It is your responsibility to notify the office in a timely manner when refills are necessary. Approval of your refill may take up to three business days so please be courteous and do not wait to call. If you use a mail order pharmacy, please contact us fourteen (14) days before your medication is due to run out
Refills can only be authorized on medication prescribed by providers from our office. We will not refill medications prescribed by other providers.
Medication refills will only be addressed during regular office hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm)
Please notify your provider on the next business day if you find yourself out of
No prescriptions will be refilled on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays
Some medications require prior authorization. Depending on your insurance, this process may involve several steps by both your pharmacy and your provider. The providers and pharmacies are familiar with this process and will handle the prior authorization as quickly as possible. Only your pharmacy is notified of the approval status. Neither the pharmacy nor the provider can guaranty that your insurance company will approve the medication. Please check with your pharmacy or your insurance company for updates.
It is important to keep your scheduled appointment to ensure that you receive timely refills. Repeated no-shows or cancellations will result in a denial of refills. All prescriptions require a follow-up appointment every 3 to 6 months depending on the type of medication requested.
If you have any questions, regarding medications please discuss these during your appointment. If you feel your medication needs to be adjusted or changed please contact us immediately.
New symptoms, events or changes in dosage require an office appointment. Your provider will not diagnose or treat over the phone.
Pain medications & other prescription medications may require an office visit for all refills and cannot be refilled via phone.
No Early refills will be given on Controlled Medications.
Patient is responsible for maintaining refills, lost or stolen medications will not be refilled early.